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Life Sciences & Biopharma

Businesses must future-proof themselves to understand an ever-changing customer landscape. Companies that prioritize market research as a fundamental function and bring the voice of the customer into their day-to-day decision making have a higher likelihood of thriving in times of transition and market turbulence. Think of marketing research as a means of improving customer attraction and retention relative to product strategy, promotion, and new opportunities, thereby raising a company’s return on their sales and marketing investment.

Spinnaker has always believed that the battle for future market share is fought while new products are still being developed. Spinnaker has been a pioneer in adapting marketing research methodologies to shape new products in development and provide unique marketing research analytics combined with extensive commercial expertise to guide clients during this critical and formative period. 


Our unique points of differentiation include proprietary models that can identify the strength of a new product’s value proposition and adoption potential plus methodologies to identify the minimum viable product. Spinnaker brings novel approaches that are incredibly useful for companies who want a longitudinal perspective of patient behavior and to monitor that over time. This becomes extremely useful for companies wanting to understand adherence or the impact of a product on patient quality of life.  


Our specific capabilities include:

  • Market Segmentation: Divides the market into distinct groups based on demographics, psychographics, and behavior to tailor marketing strategies. Understand how to identify, prioritize, reach, and motivate different stakeholder groups quickly and effectively

  • Needs Assessment: No two people are alike. Our methodologies identify and prioritize the functional and emotional needs of different patient and provider segments to develop more personalized products and services.

  • Brand Perception Analysis: Measures and analyzes how patients and healthcare providers perceive a brand and what strategies are needed to maximize the product’s future revenue potential.  

  • Brand Acceleration Studies: Our methodologies have been developed and deployed successfully to help products rapidly increase revenues and market share.

  • Product Development Insights: Provides rapid and in-depth feedback on product concepts, designs, and features from potential users that will resonate with company scientists and engineers and provide guidance to a company’s product development efforts.

  • Patient Journey Mapping: Maps out the patient experience from initial contact to post-treatment, identifying touchpoints and areas for improvement. Most importantly, what’s needed to drive patients through the journey quickly and achieve the outcomes a company desires.

  • Advertising Effectiveness: Evaluates the impact of marketing campaigns on brand awareness, stakeholder engagement, and achieve maximum ROI from your efforts.

  • Pricing Strategy: Informs pricing decisions based on market demand, payer reactions, competitor response, and impact on future value of a product.


Learn more about what we do

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